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February is here!

Posted by Kat on 1st Feb 2021

Goodbye January! Hello February you little beaut you. 

For all previous years people have bemoaned January for being long and miserable! We didn't think January could seem any longer, yet add a pandemic and national lockdown and BAM January 2021, is officially the worst January EVER!

So here we are, a new month, the shortest month of the year and to someone with OCD i.e. this year it is the sexiest of months.

I have BIG PLANS for February:

:-) - Market Night on the 4th for instock masks and snoods

:-) - A special soft launch surprise for the mamas for Valentine's day

:-) - The LONG awaited launch to the next branch of Domestic Kittens 

February will also be the month that the kids go back to nursery and Mummy Kat can avoid another nervous breakdown (*prays to her shrine of Wee Nicola, for good news tomorrow!)

Seriously though, I'm not sure how you are all feeling about January. I felt it was a pretty tough month/lockdown. Part of me thinks that this is the toughest one to date but given that the first lockdown did bring on a massive nervous breakdown (which was admittedly looming anyway but certainly contributed) maybe I am looking at the past with rose tinted glasses. Craig made a good point though, that the difference now, is that we are having to juggle a full time job each and the business without childcare, whereas, in Lockdown v1.0 I was off work due to aforementioned breakdown.

So, I am glad to see it go and I feel we are inching ever closer to "normality" whatever that may be. 

Can't help but feel that February is just lurking around the corner like below: